Threads of Methodism: History and Polity in Context - Episode 1

In the premiere episode of Wesleyan Threads, Rev. Britt introduces us to the extraordinary life and vision of John Wesley, the founder of Methodism. Journey back to 18th-century England to explore Wesley’s upbringing, his theological breakthroughs, and the pivotal moments that birthed a movement. From the influence of his mother, Susanna Wesley, to his Aldersgate Experience, where his heart was “strangely warmed,” we trace how Wesley’s passion for grace and renewal ignited a worldwide legacy. Discover how prevenient, justifying, and sanctifying grace lay at the core of his teachings and continue to shape the Methodist tradition today. Join us to uncover how this spark of grace continues to illuminate discipleship and mission in today’s world.

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Threads of Methodism: History and Polity in Context - Trailer